Infertility is a medical condition that affects many individuals and couples worldwide. While there are many factors that can contribute to infertility, overall health is one of the most important. Infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, and overall health plays a significant role in the ability to conceive.
Infertility is described as “Failure to attain a normal scientific pregnancy even after 12 months or extra of everyday unprotected sexual intercourse.” Approximately 80% — 85% of couples will conceive in about one year of their marriage if they have an ordinary unprotected sex. Only 1 in 6 couples are found to have the issues related to infertility.
44 years ago, on twenty fifth of July, in 1978, a woman infant was born in The Great Britain. Now, you will question on “Is there anything new about it?”. There would have been many teens born on that day in Britain. But, this toddler born was not like any other everyday delivered baby, as she wasn’t a consequence of the traditional process, (called “love making”) of giving birth, but was a result of IVF procedure.
Motherhood is a blissful experience , no matter what so ever challenges every woman has to go through. And this is the reason, IVF has become a boon for most infertile couples. But in some cases, there are various repeated IVF failures. But being on the positive side, instead of losing hope, one should opt for getting knowledge about the causes of it beforehand, which can go a long way.
Painless Delivery
An approach towards birthing with comfort and confidence.
1. What is Painless Delivery?
Painless delivery refers to the use of an epidural injection which is given by a specially trained anesthetist doctor for pain relief during labor.